Normally pale with blue lips during seizures

Normally pale with blue lips during seizures

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Morning

     I just loaded the kids in the car, the same car we were in 100 times in the last 3 weeks. I hear smacking, and one look in the rear view mirror shows blue lips, wide eyes that are locked in a stare, and uncontrolled movement of two little arms that were just playing with a toy. Thankfully, it only lasted about a minute, and I have discovered he also urinates with these as well. So much for the hope he didn't do that.
     My biggest fear is explaining to my baby that he isn't normal and then saying "hey, we don't know for sure what is wrong with you." No doctor can ever convince me these are not seizures, between all of his test I know it's not:
1. Heart problems
2. Sandifer Syndrome

What it may be
1. Simple Partial Complex Seizures
2. ???? the doctor doesn't know
     Frustration clouds my day today, a big storm cloud that looms just over the horizon. I cried again today, wishing I could make him well. I say prayers for all of the families I know affected by seizures...god bless

1 comment:

  1. I did cry when I wrote he repeted them...but let's pray for our children that the mechanisms of healing God established will function!
