Normally pale with blue lips during seizures

Normally pale with blue lips during seizures

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Conner never ceases to amaze me, or his Epilepsy. Yesterday, I walked into his room to tell him it was time to go to sleep and he was laying on his bed playing and talking. Normal yes, but his lips were bright blue/purple, as were his eyelids, and his face was pale. Pretty sure it wasn't a seizure because he was having a conversation with me and stacking blocks. No post epileptic nap, or movements. Has anyone else had this problem???

1 comment:

  1. My son also has complex partial seizures, there are times when he talks through one but he usually says "I don't know" slower than he normally talks. It is possible for them to talk during one or he may have had a simple partial seizure where they are completely aware and can talk. I would ask your neuro if that was a possibility. If you are on Facebook there are some amazing Epilepsy groups on there where you can go to and ask for advice and get support :)
